Thursday, July 2, 2009

Theme for Summer 2009

The title will be 'Undercurrents.'

A notion to consider: The rules change as you near the water's edge.

The theme is water and life on the waterfront: the riverside, the oceanfront, the creekside, the lake shore, an island -- or life on the water: a houseboat, a cruise ship, a traveling barge ... or something I'm not thinking of.


E-mail stories to catoars at from Aug. 14 to Aug. 21.

Preferred Length: Up to 3,000 words. I will accept longer stories from Cat Oars veterans.

For first-time Cat Oars writers: The stories will go through an editing process. Mostly just wording changes for clarity. You will review changes before publication. When you submit, put the following paragraph at the top of the story, above the title:

I agree to accept re-wording and-or working with the Cat Oars editor to get the text to our mutual satisfaction.