Thursday, January 7, 2010

Theme for Valentine's Day 2010

This year's Book of Love Stories will be called

Syzygy 2010 / Cat Oars 16

For those who remember, Fire&Ice was inspired and informed by Gaston Bachelard’s symbolist template for literary criticism, Psychoanalysis of Fire. Syzygy will be inspired and informed by Jungian archetypes.

Click HERE for a very basic introduction.

You will want to do some additional research/reading on your own.

Fill your love stories with archetypes (without making them detrimental to the story). As with Red, the more, the better.

Also: Write a one-paragraph note at the end of your story about how the archetypes informed your story.

E-mail stories to from Feb. 18-Feb. 28.

Preferred Length: Up to 3,000 words. I will accept longer stories from Cat Oars veterans.

In an effort to try out the new R-Plus regime, I’m urging participants to post their stories on the forum Feb. 13-17 and workshop them there before e-mailing. Post with the heading Jung Love. As in the past: If you post a story, you should comment on at least two stories by other writers. Only fair.

As before: The stories will go through an editing process. Mostly just wording changes for clarity. You will review changes before publication. When you submit, put the following paragraph at the top of the story, above the title: I agree to accept re-wording and-or working with the Cat Oars editor to get the text to our mutual satisfaction.